We strive to help people around Kolkata, West Bengal
A full trip around the Sun, and nothing has changed in our good old earth. Rather it has gotten worse, as we struggled against the second, and much more devastating, wave of Covid19. Uddyom was shaken with many of its members, and their immediate families, were down with the virus. For about a couple of months, we were getting awakened by distressing news of the loss of near and dear ones, lack of hospital accommodation and paucity of oxygen supply. The members were too busy propping up their own against such a blast of devastation. As things are at last slightly better, Uddyom is blessed to receive 2 nos. oxygen concentrators from large hearted donors (*names to be mentioned??*). These concentrators are being used as a standby source for patients in need.
In the meantime, our alma mater decided to open up a safe home shelter for Covid patients. Uddyom proudly stepped in to supply 2 (out of the total number of 5) Fowler beds for critical patients. These beds are housed at Gouranga Bhavan, RKM Residential College hostel, where the safe home was recently opened.
In the meantime, our alma mater decided to open up a safe home shelter for Covid patients. Uddyom proudly stepped in to supply 2 (out of the total number of 5) Fowler beds for critical patients. These beds are housed at Gouranga Bhavan, RKM Residential College hostel, where the safe home was recently opened.